Sunday, 13 September 2015

INTRODUCTION: Personal Passport

Over the past week, we were tasked with creating a 'Personal Passport'. Looking into one's identity, it was to do with filling a booklet with various information that we think identifies us as individuals. The idea of this booklet was to visually jot down things that inspired/interests/motivates me along with things I perhaps find sentimental or identifiable to myself.

Due to the open brief of this project, the medium in which I would portray myself visually in this booklet was a good experience as it led me to experiment with using different visual elements that still stuck with a theme that I wanted to carry throughout the book.

On the first two pages, I wanted it to have a simple look, like what would be found in a published book with a various amount of texts that trails off on the left page and then important information on the right.

The following few pages then consisted of images of various interests and inspirations of mine along with a quote/lyric from them

 One thing I wanted to also include in this booklet was friends. Whether they were friends from a while ago or current friends, I believe much of someone's identity comes from the friends they have and the circles they keep.

 After the segment on interests and friends I wanted to show where I wanted to take myself forward to. The idea of art and design has intruiged me for years and so I wanted to create a photo montage and typography feel to the last few pages which show my journey through the first week of my Foundation Diploma here at Ravensbourne.

Filling out all 64 pages of this booklet in a week, although it seemed tricky at first, showed the ability of artistic expression when pushed to a deadline, something that I often worry about. Due to this project I was not only able to practice throwing ideas out there and putting them on paper but I was also able to experiment with visualisation of something such as identity which may not really have an actual look to it. The idea of visualising a metaphorical idea is what art, design and media is all about so this booklet was a good practice of that and I feel I did well in producing it.

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