Sunday, 13 March 2016

FMP Week 1

In preparation for our Pathway Assessment week, we were asked to fill out a project proposal for out Final Major Project in which we were asked to decide on a focus in our project and a brief description of what in particular we wish to develop during our time on this project. The overall idea was to create a brief ourselves to set us up to start our work and to also pitch our idea in a intriguing way using a small essay-type brief.

On top of this, we also had to start a initial bit of research into our idea and create a list of research to complete from this as well as working out a projected schedule so as to maintain our time management during this 7/8 week project.

As part of my schedule, to help with evaluating my progress, I will be writing weekly blog entries which will be used to outline what I have gotten done in the past week, how it has helped as part of my project and what I have done well or gotten wrong as well as what I will be progressing with the next week in case of any alterations I may need to make.

Connecting to my previous project which focussed on the visual explanation of theories, I looked into political ideologies and theories that I have an interest in which are often misunderstood. This, in a way, helped me with creating an idea for my FMP as I was very interested in exploring political ideologies and think it would be quite interesting to explore these and their connection to art, media and, in particular, graphic design. 

Below is the final draft of my FMP Project Proposal brief:

Exploitation of human nature by corporation has always been a controversial topic in society but is usually concealed by the media. The idea of big corporations having such a strong hold on the general public and often being backed by government is something that has been battled by the masses for centuries to no avail.

I plan to produce a branding identity that plays on the inner workings of the current corrupt political climate that allow immortal and unethical procedures to take place purely for profit, and to further that by developing a campaign that ridicules the ideology of capitalism.

To do this I plan on researching ideologies that go against this such as Situationism and anarchism and develop these into a branding campaign that seems inexcusably self aware of itself as a corrupt machine [2]. I intend to research into the inappropriate methods freely used in advertising as well as connecting this with artistic reference to the idea of the Situationist art movement.


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