Tuesday, 26 January 2016

PROJECT 11: Letter Transformation

For the next 2 weeks, we had been given 6 different briefs of which we had to choose 3 to complete by the deadline. With all the briefs being quite different to each other in terms of design processes and areas of design, I focused on the briefs that connected most with what I enjoy and also do well in.

I decided for the first brief, I was to focus on the one titled "Letter Transformation". The reason behind this was my strong interest in the use of typography to portray meaning and/or a visual metaphor and what better way to do this than to show how a letter can be morphed into a shape/image to resemble what it stands for, for example: A for Apple, H for House, etc.

As this was quite a short project, there was not that much time to do a full design process in depth. I ended up with quite a minimal amount of development in my work due to the extent of my experimentation taking too long.


If I were to repeat this project, I would have spent more time focussing on the construction of the type and the specific transformation between each step.

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