Saturday, 27 February 2016

PROJECT 14: Visual representation of a theory

Project 14 was a large project, lasting three weeks and was also the final project before we started on our FMP. This project helped the transition between the usual short projects to the large 7 week Final Major Project.

The topic for this project was "Theories" and how to explore and explain different theories through visual representation. On the first day we were shown an animation based on a Stephen Hawking lecture titled "Do black holes have no hair?"

This video gave us not only all the information needed, that may not be as easily understood if one was to just listen to the lecture, but also provided great inspiration on how we could visually represent our own theories. The animation of that lecture used simple vector shapes and comic aspects of illustration to attempt to explain the advanced topic in the simplest way possible that would be able to be easily accessible for all viewers.

From this, I then started exploring on which theory I wanted to explore, or even potentially make up by researching a range of theories/topics in one field. I decided on looking into political theories and how they connect to the public and eventually started on researching Marxist theory. Through this I quickly unearthed connections to Anarchist theory and through this, connected to the psychological theory of humanism and how that can connect to these two social political theories.

I used the first week primarily for research and note taking on a wide range of articles and started scribbling down basic ideas on the pages of these articles when anything sprung to mind. Once I had gathered a decent amount of information from these articles, I started to transcribe the most essential information onto another page where I could also have more space to create some initial sketches. This part of work took me far too long and was also heavily interrupted with portfolio preparation and University interviews and so my time management got a bit out of hand and I ended up losing 3 days on my schedule which I was unable to pick back up.

Seeing this, I started on creating drastic developments of my initial sketches to try and start putting something together. These were quite a inconsistent style as I was unable to really refine a look at this point due to time restraints but I was relatively happy with them at this point despite only having a week left to develop these into an actual final concept and to then create an outcome.

The last week of this project was then spent working on the typography and finalising that and working out a layout for the final outcome, which I decided I wanted to be a booklet, so as to seem like a little how-to guide. Due to time restraints, this project was pushed past the deadline where the final concept is still being completed before being produced into a final outcome.